The Palace at Santa Candida
Superb High Volume Shooting
The lodge is an incredible 230 year-old, Argentine country mansion. The 22,000 square foot lodge is truly beautiful with much history having been built by one of the most prominent Argentina families of that time. We offer our guests gourmet food and seven tastefully decorated rooms in the peaceful setting of the Entre Rios Province countryside. Accommodations, cuisine and personal are all first class. I think our clients speak for themselves with numerous groups having shot doves with us for 10 to 15 years straight.
Most hunters are aware of the quality dove hunting in many areas of Argentina. The stories are endless of hunters shooting 1000’s of rounds a day, and they are all true. But little is known of the high volume dove hunting that is available in the nearby province of Entre Rios that offers equal or superior shooting as that of other areas in Argentina.
This province of Argentina just north of Buenos Aires is an extremely fertile region with an abundance of grain production, interspersed with thickly wooded areas. This combination of abundant food and cover has created an incredible population of doves. Most hunts take place along established flight paths as doves move between their roost, watering holes and grain fields. The numbers of birds will leave most any hunter truly amazed.
Our exclusive hunt is designed to provide high volume dove shoots, with exclusive lodging while providing a more convenient option close to Buenos Aires with no commercial flights necessary. All of this while giving any hunter all the high volume shooting he or she desires.
Also available in this destination is
the High Volume Dove for the Day
Our new hunt is designed to provide true high dove shoot while providing a much more convenient option than other multi day package hunts available elsewhere in the country all of this while giving most any hunter all the fast-paced shooting he or she desires.
This hunt is ideal for residents and visitors alike who, for example, may have little flexibility with their schedule, not interested in a 4-day package hunt, want to avoid the trouble of flying, or are interested in the convenience of a quick escape to Entre Ríos.
Full-day hunts with early morning departures and evening return to the city make it easy to be back for dinner or obligations the following day.
Full Day Program
- Depart hotel in Buenos Aires at 6:00 am in ground transfer for the Gualeguaychu area in Entre Rios.
- 8:30 am arrival to hunting area. Morning shoot. Midday Argentine asado (BBQ) in the field followed by siesta in hammocks. Afternoon dove shoot to approximately 6:30 pm.
- Return to Buenos Aires at 7:00 pm. Arrival at your hotel in Buenos Aires at 9:30 pm followed by transfer to your hotel.
Guests staying at our new lodge, Santa Candida Palace, will enjoy unsurpassed high volume dove shooting while enjoying a beautiful Estancia home that is equipped to ensure our guests a world class sporting experience.
This French colonial style house with comfortable accommodations for up to 16 guests has 8 double rooms with private bathrooms, living room, dining room, galleria, outdoor dining area. Laundry service and massages are available upon request.

Located in the province of Entre Rios just 3 hours driving distance from Ezeiza International Airport or from downtown Buenos Aires.